Bass Movement that affects catch rate


Well-known member
I could see Gremcat doing these studies. It is interesting to see how they move around, how they relate to boats and how they relate to pressure.


Nuts & Bolts Guy
With electronics, I see fish move away at times and then there are times they move towards the boat. It is at those times when I think to myself…..and maybe even yelled at them once or twice, can you just finish the job and jump in the boat and we can avoid the whole hole in the lip thing. Ugh!


Well-known member
With electronics, I see fish move away at times and then there are times they move towards the boat. It is at those times when I think to myself…..and maybe even yelled at them once or twice, can you just finish the job and jump in the boat and we can avoid the whole hole in the lip thing. Ugh!
That would be unsportsmanlike like


Well-known member
Literally. Fish schools. Move up Move to shallows. Spawn then do whatever. Some stay shallow some suspend in 40’ water. They are completely rando. I can say. Tohicon boating launch gets stocked every Wednesday night with 5lbers
Never seen a school of Bass. Or , I wouldn't know it if its there in front of me because I don't know what I'm looking at. I'm learning. Who does the stocking?


Right now Don the bass are schooled up. Smallies travel in wolf packs they call it. They also work together gathering baitfish.

Solitario Lupo

Smallies go up creeks or smaller bodies of water to spawn then when you can fish for them they start to go out but some stay. Some are called residents (I believe it is) and never leave.

Largemouth usually just stay and hide in the brushes and tree stumps or anywhere they can ambush their prey.


Well-known member
That is the unique thing about Merrill creek reservoir. There are no creeks.


Well-known member
The only measurable creek feeding in is just a swaggle. Some of the Salmon give this stream a try but fail. There are a few more gravel seeps but nothing else. It is filled by pumps from the Delaware River way upstream. This lake along with Beltsville, spruce run, and Paupack were built with flood control and power in mind. The powerplant idea never got very far for some but most are used to keep down the salt line on the lower Delaware or Raritan. It is a lovely lake but absolutely no Night fishing.


Well-known member
The nature of and results of this study revealed that we steeiotype fish behavior by what we see in magazine photos and hear about from friends. This article discussed that 41% of the fish do not behave like the Cabasspro shops..those fish are just actors playing the roll of fish. They scientists actually found bass on the flats away from the steriotyped structures and shelf anomalies. In other words if we don’t fish the bottom in plain Jane 20-30’ deep areas we are missing presentations for 41% of the fish.