[Archived] What did you Catch Today?

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Well-known member
Crazy day yesterday, buck in AM and doe at dark, bears found doe before I did this AM. 50 yards from spot I hit her/him. Not even buttons but male. Ran up into neighborhood and it had just stopped raining so I backed out. Salvaged all but the rear ham and half a back strap. Randy sent the rod too. Will post the pics of that beauty in another thread. I’m whooped, flew in from Atlanta Friday.E4BACC0E-8F8B-4092-A2ED-47DE68A7C08C.jpeg06E40664-5B75-48A9-B011-B0AE4864F534.jpeg


Well-known member
Crazy day yesterday, buck in AM and doe at dark, bears found doe before I did this AM. 50 yards from spot I hit her/him. Not even buttons but male. Ran up into neighborhood and it had just stopped raining so I backed out. Salvaged all but the rear ham and half a back strap. Randy sent the rod too. Will post the pics of that beauty in another thread. I’m whooped, flew in from Atlanta Friday.View attachment 1860View attachment 1861 Nice.


Well-known member
Now go fishing
Hahaha yep, that was why I whacked the 8 rather than wait on the 10 to step out. Over and done, maybe a doe or Bear but vaca is now fishing week, can’t wait. Can’t believe it’s been 2-3 weeks since I wet a line.


Well-known member
Hear a slew of fools hunting my stand again this year 🙄 I will never understand that mentality. Guy kills a few animals and folks get nuts. I’ve never once thought “Hmm, let me find his spot” when hearing of someone getting something. My spots one of the better ones around and overlooked by all. Guess I’ll pull my stand again this week. I put a neighbor in my stand last week. Was hoping he’d get this one. Thought he’d hunt it after but don’t need a dozen guys dropping in on him.

Fishing I’d argue is different because it’s fixed real estate by a waterway and there’s tons of fish. Plus it’s more of a community activity.
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TC I doubt you’ll scape bottom on the Swattie whether you’re up or upside down. This weather was needed but, but, I didn’t get all the stuff done that I wanted to.


Well-known member
lol, don't know when I will see the Swattie again. I have to see if Cocoa is still running shuttle. But now I have become enamored with Blue Marsh. Hit a not so top secret shore fishing spot yesterday. Caught nothing, but talked to a guy who caught a nice muskie last week right where I was fishing. I saw the pics. He said he catches small mouth, trout, and bunch of other things there all the time.
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Nuts & Bolts Guy
TS What is their “fall pattern”. (New to lake bass. )
It is when they school up and start corralling and feeding on schools of baitfish. It is a fun time and reminds me of fishing saltwater Blue or Striper blitzes. Last year at this lake, they schooled up on one end, pinning bait into a cove and for a couple of weeks, it was easy fishing. ;). Head to the one point in front of the cove and catch, catch, catch.


Nuts & Bolts Guy
I get it. I just didn't know that LMB and SMB displayed that behavior.
I did not either until a couple of years ago. The window is short so other than getting lucky on the lake one day, you’ll curse yourself for buying in and pursuing every chance you get. Ask me how I know. Lol


Well-known member
I get it. I hope to go next week. Time for Shahola, Gouldsboro, and Hidden Lake again.
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