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  • Don
    Don replied to the thread August: Where are they.
    Surprised it doesn’t have oars.
  • Melvinp
    Melvinp reacted to troutspinner's post in the thread Keeping it simple with Like Like.
    As expected, the stream was a bust. I was hoping for some kind of flow but nada, it looked like a swamp. Off to the little resevoir...
  • Melvinp
    Melvinp reacted to troutspinner's post in the thread Keeping it simple with Like Like.
    I thought I would share how I usually fish when I am not on my boat. I like to make quick runs to local waterways at least once a week...
  • Melvinp
    Melvinp replied to the thread August: Where are they.
    lol you’ve seen my tackle box it has wheels
  • Melvinp
    Melvinp reacted to Don's post in the thread August: Where are they with Like Like.
    keep talking
  • HenryDavid
    HenryDavid reacted to troutspinner's post in the thread Keeping it simple with Like Like.
    To me it looks like a small fish eating algae off of rocks with the method I described above. Maybe a half eaten worm that another fish...
  • Don
    Don replied to the thread Keeping it simple.
    Where did you place those weights? If you used the worms Ned style it would seem there is no place for them. Were you using them wacky...
  • troutspinner
    troutspinner replied to the thread Keeping it simple.
    To me it looks like a small fish eating algae off of rocks with the method I described above. Maybe a half eaten worm that another fish...
  • HenryDavid
    HenryDavid replied to the thread Keeping it simple.
    I always wondered what the Ned imitated, something that's natural? Doesn't look like anything particular to me.
  • HenryDavid
    HenryDavid reacted to Melvinp's post in the thread Storage with Like Like.
    I’ve seen it and you need it Plano A-Series 2 tackle backpack
  • HenryDavid
    HenryDavid reacted to troutspinner's post in the thread Keeping it simple with Like Like.
    I thought I would share how I usually fish when I am not on my boat. I like to make quick runs to local waterways at least once a week...
  • troutspinner
    troutspinner replied to the thread Keeping it simple.
    You really have to work the neds slow. Not to say they won’t hit it fast at times, they do, but my best success is letting it hit the...
  • troutspinner
    troutspinner replied to the thread Keeping it simple.
    As expected, the stream was a bust. I was hoping for some kind of flow but nada, it looked like a swamp. Off to the little resevoir...
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  • troutspinner
    troutspinner reacted to Don's post in the thread Keeping it simple with Like Like.
    That collection is my go to most of the year though I've never caught a targeted fish on a Ned rig. I am determined to get it going...
  • pabassman
    pabassman reacted to troutspinner's post in the thread Keeping it simple with Like Like.
    I thought I would share how I usually fish when I am not on my boat. I like to make quick runs to local waterways at least once a week...